
12/14(土)【第18回 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE祭】@名古屋Tokuzo

12/14(土)【第18回 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE祭】@名古屋Tokuzo

Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. :

河端一:guitar, synthesizer, speed guru

東洋之:synthesizer, god of fish

ジョンソン Tsu:vocal, guitar, bouzouki

砂十島NANI : drums, another dimension

Wolf:bass, space & time


liquidbiupil:light show

open 17:30 / start 18:30(開場開演時間が通常よりも早いので御注意下さい)

adv 2800円 / door 3300円

AMT宗家ネクストジェネレーション、現在の編成となって2年目の2019年、盟友「Kinski」との国内ツアーで幕開け、そして豪州ツアーから46日間46連発の北米ツアー、夏は「グラストンベリー・フェスティバル」出演絡めての英国ツアーと国内凱旋ツアー、秋はインドの山奥での「ZIRO Festival of Music」を皮切りに、14カ国を巡る欧州ツアー、2年ぶり南米ツアーとまたしてもツアー三昧、今年も世界狭しと怒涛の快進撃!

















名古屋 Tokuzo (052-733-3709)

"ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE Festival vol.18"

- 14th Dec. (sat) @ Tokuzo Nagoya (052-733-3709)



Kawabata Makoto : guitar, synthesizer, voice, speed guru

Higashi Hiroshi : synthesizer, theremin, harp, god of fish

Jyonson Tsu : vocal, guitar, bouzouki, midnight whistler

Satoshima Nani : drums, another dimension

Wolf : bass, space & time


liquidbiupil:light show

open 17:30 / start 18:30

adv ¥2800 / door ¥3300

2019 was AMT Next Generation's second year of existence and it was another year of world-narrowing advances into new territory for the band. We kicked it off with a Japan tour with our old comrades Kinski. That was followed by a tour of Australia, and a 46-date tour of North America. In the summer, we played a UK tour that was capped off with an appearance at the Glastonbury Festival, and a triumphal homecoming tour of Japan. Our autumn schedule begins with our appearance at the ZIRO Festival of Music, deep in the mountains of India. We will follow that with a 14-country tour of Europe and our first visit to South America in two years.

On this year's tours we have been experimenting with three different types of set, to raise our game and increase our possibilities, but for our annual year-ending event we are going to bring each of these three sets together into one! So, once again, get ready to join us at Tokuzo in the psychedelic environments conjured up by lighting magicians liquidbiupil, clutching your one-way ticket for the galactic railroad, headed for the outermost ends of the universe!

■ Including the auction. Who knows what rare items he has in his bag this year.

■ At the Shopzone a clearout sale of all current and old titles.

■ We will be selling the "18th AMT Festival" T-shirt. This will be highly limited so do not delay!

■ Those who purchase tickets in advance can exchange their tickets at the entrance for a special CDR present.

■ AMT member's fleamarket. What hidden treasures can you find?

■ After the concert we will host the usual AMT end of year party. Please join us.


■ From Nagoya Station, take either the Higashiyama underground line towards Fujigaoka, or the Sakuradori line towards Nonami. In both cases, alight at Imaike which is about ten minutes from Nagoya Station. The venue is two minutes walk from exit ten at Imaike.

 [For those planning to travel from further afield]

■ The gig will end by 22:00, because of noise limitation ordinances. Since The last Nozomi shinkansen bound for Tokyo leaves Nagoya station at 22:10, so we recommend that anyone who wants to travel back to Tokyo that night instead books the nightbus "Dream" leaving from in front of Nagaoya station at 23:30. There are other cheap night buses as well, leaving up till 24:15.

■ For those travelling from Osaka, the last Nozomi bullet train leaves Nagoya at 22:57. You will have adequate time to catch either one of these.

■ There are numerous cheap hotels both around Tokuzo and around the Nagoya Station area. However, since the gig wil be on a weekend it would be advisable to make a booking in advance.

■ Tokuzo will be open as a bar until 05:00 so it will also be possible to spend the night drinking there and then catch the first train home in the morning. There are many other drinking establishments near Tokuzo that stay open all night.

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